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Privacy Policy

Rakhi Shop India Privacy Policy

Our Commitment to Your Privacy

At Rakhishopindia, your privacy and protection of your personal and financial information are a key priority. While navigating through our website, any personal information that is collected to serve you better is securely stored and is not shared with any unauthorized person/agency.

Rakhi Shop India does not sell, rent, or loan any identifiable information of customers to any third party. Any information personal and financial you give us is held with utmost care and security. This information is collected primarily to ensure that we are able to fulfill your orders and to deliver to you a truly personalized shopping experience. When you Purchase Rakhi from Rakhi Shop India or register with us for any services

Why we need for your personal information

Why we ask for your personal information While send rakhi online from our website, you may be asked to provide some personal information at login/checkout or when signing up for our newsletters, contacting us by email or requesting information. This information may include: your name, email address, correspondence and billing addresses, credit card number and expiration date and responses to particular questions (e.g. the name of your school etc). We will use this information to:

  • Secure and protect your identity as you navigate through our website
  • Provide genuine services and customer support as you request/require
  • Process orders and send confirmations about your transactions
  • Send you information about new releases and promotional offers based on your communication preferences
  • Rakhi Shop india may share non-personal, non-individual information in aggregate form with our marketing partners, advertisers or other third parties for research and advertising purposes
  • How we are protect your personal and financial information

    We process and protect your personal information by maintaining electronic, physical and procedural safeguards. We use computer safeguards such as data encryption; we enforce physical access controls to our offices and files, and we authorize access to your personal information only for those employees/agencies that require it to fulfill their job responsibilities in order to serve you better.

    In Shorts, Rakhishopindia understands the privacy of our customers completely. We do not sell, trade, or rent your personal information to others.